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Recently we publicly received a cease and desist petition to remove our flyer advertising our Heavy Hitters events - and we respectfully obliged as such with the following correspondence.


     "Greetings!  The section highlighted in red is specifically addressed to any audience and not the correspondence recipient.  Thank you for reaching out to me regarding this urgent matter of consternation, albeit not initially directly versus this public forum – as such private format of opportunity resolution would have been preferable and better suited to amicably mitigate the unnecessary and perverse proliferation and pernicious propagation of trepidation, disquietude, enmity, antipathy, disdain, and aversion.     

     Entirely aware that many antagonistic spectators will have access to this communication, I always prefer to conduct salient business behind closed doors versus in a public circus forum.  Extensive experience has taught me that black gay spectators (I normally utilize another term that is far more derogatory yet disallowed on this platform) are the most ignorance thriving cantankerous insidious creatures on the face of the planet… Most of them are both grossly incompetent and woefully lack the intellectual acuity, sagacity, and tenacity that is required to efficaciously assimilate or navigate the advanced nuances of business management.  There is a author named Robert Kiyosaki who wrote a book titled “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” – where he elaborates on and eviscerates the working class stratification as members of the “Rat Race”… and that is precisely and exactly what the mass majority of the doltish rat-spectators of this communication are – picayune imbeciles who are too infatuated with petty trivial machinations instead of fanatically focusing their stunted energies on entrepreneurially augmenting their own wealth without being obsequious sycophantic slaves to the crumbs that their perspective employers dangle before them.     


 I may be a 4th year chemical engineering college dropout, but I am light years from being inept.       


     Nevertheless, back to the topic at hand, because I possess a business acuity, I sagaciously comprehend, respect, and even appreciate your cease-and-desist petition – regardless of the inestimable number of patrons that my uniquely positioned affiliation would have ultimately contributed to the overall event.  However, the pragmatic practicality of such subtlety is both EGREGIOUSLY irrelevant and utterly moot in reference to this discourse.  As a multiple trademark owner, I am ultimately cognitive that per trademark rights, all engagements and associated entanglements are inherently and exclusively at the full discretion and prerogative of the trademark holder as such.  Therefore, with fervent alacrity, I will happily oblige by your petition and additionally offer apologies for any substantiated inflictions that any intellectual infringements may have ignominiously exacerbated.

     In abeyance, please excuse my loquacious elucidation.  My mastery of advanced erudite vernacular not only allows me to superciliously and haughtily demonstrate the chasmic dichotomy in didactic meritocratic stratification between myself and colloquially uneducated spectators, but most importantly, it prevents any further incidents of floccinaucinihilipilification from further conflicting with our perspective business itineraries.         


Thank you for your time and absolute best regards."




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